Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Umm need to concentrate

My tailbone has fallen asleep (will edit once medical jargon has been covered)- that's what happens when you sit in a chair for hours on end. I vaguely remember this feeling from my undergraduate years, but somehow put it out of my memory until now.

What I did not forget about, and have actually been dreading, is my keen ability to nod off during lecture. That's right, only one hour and fifteen minutes into my very first class at medical school and my eyelids become too heavy to keep open. Shit... this is going to be a long four years. One of the Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine professors suggested that I rub the crown of my head (self-inflicted noogie) to combat classroom fatigue. I tried this technique; it worked for about five minutes. After a brief break I nibbled a piece of dark chocolate and made it through the rest of lecture. During the pre-lab discussion I stretched at the back of the classroom while silently thanking myself for not attending allopathic medical school where this sort of behavior might be construed as odd.

New strategies for staying awake (no I don't drink coffee daily): sip water, ask lots of questions to stay engaged, head noogie, stand and stretch, and take copious amounts of notes.

Ok, time to walk off the tingling in my legs.

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